Cloudflare Image Uploader
Cloudflare Image Uploader
The Cloudflare Image Uploader is a Python script designed to automate the bulk uploading of images to Cloudflare. It handles image uploads, manages duplicates by renaming, moves processed images to a designated directory, and generates a Markdown file listing all uploaded images for easy access and reference. This tool simplifies the management of web content images, especially for users with multiple images to upload and organize.
- Bulk Uploads: Automatically uploads multiple images to Cloudflare in one go.
- Duplicate Handling: Renames duplicate images to ensure uniqueness without overwriting existing files.
- Processed Images Directory: Moves images to a “processed” directory after successful upload.
- Markdown Catalog Generation: Creates a
file listing all uploaded images with URLs, making it easy to incorporate images into web content.
- Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system.
- Cloudflare account and API token with permissions to upload images.
- Basic familiarity with Python and running scripts from the command line.
Clone or Download the Script: Obtain the script files from the repository or download them directly to your local machine.
Install Required Python Packages: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the script’s directory. Install the required packages using pip:
pip install requests
Create a folder called Image_To_Be_Uploaded
add all the files and folder INSIDE cloudflare-image-upload folder into it
Open the file and add your details
Your settings
API_TOKEN = 'your_api_token'
ACCOUNT_ID = 'your_account_id'
IMAGES_DIRECTORY = 'X:\\Cloudflare Images\\Image_To_Be_Uploaded'
PROCESSED_DIRECTORY = 'X:\\Cloudflare Images\\Image_To_Be_Uploaded\\PROCESSED_DIRECTORY'
CATALOG_FILE_PATH = 'X:\\Cloudflare Images\\Image_To_Be_Uploaded\\'
Edit Start_Image_upload.bat
add your path to python, unsure type in CMD type: where python add your folder path to Image_To_Be_Uploaded
Double click the .bat file to run
markdown file
Check your markdown file for cloudflare url’s
Export as index.html and have all your images in a web browser to scroll through, right click to copy image url for pasting in your applications!
Pro Tip use notepad + + with Markdown viewer and just click export to html, double click html to open in web browser, find your image and right click save image link ( which is the cloudflare image url! )
You can use this as a visual catalog for all the images store in your cloudflare images and there sharing urls